Sunday, October 25, 2009

Long over due update in pictures!

About a month ago Darrell and I went to Washington's Cranberry Coast to celebrate our anniversary:
Anniversary trip to Tokeland, Washington

I had to include this album to show how much of a perfectionist Darrell is. We had friends over for dinner and Darrell was helping me get ready. I was cleaning and wondering what the heck is taking him so long in the kitchen. I came in and found these - perfectly cleaned, tied, and ready to grill.
My name is Cherie and my husband is a perfectionist.

Then came THE Birthday weekend. Friday the 16th was my mom and Lauren's birthdays. Only my mom was here to celebrate though.
Grammie's Birthday!

Then the babies celebrated their first birthday on Saturday!
Birthday #1!

Here they are playing with Grammie and Paddy the next morning:
Playing with Grammie and Paddy

We went to the pumpkin patch and corn maze on Sauvie Island:
Pumpkin Patch & Corn Maze

Spiked the boy's hair and made them play with their balloons on their birthday eve:
Birthday Eve

Had to take some pictures with mom and dad on their real birthday morning:
Actual birthDAY

Pictures with G.G. (Great Grandma Sue):

And finally had some professional pictures taken!
Family Pictures


MGulbas said...

Oh that was SO FUN to look at! I had been wondering where all the pictures where. Their birthday party looked SOOO fun! Just plain cute how Dane (I think that's who) held the cupcake up for 5 minutes. adorable!

Amy Monk said...

Well they can't be any cuter! Seriously precious pictures. What a good looking little family :) Mia can't wait to play with them!

Lauren said...

I love the pictures playing with your parents. How adorable!

I'm also loving your hair at the pumpkin patch.

Thanks for the update! miss you all.